Suntio Identity offers end-customers and partners identity verification and qualified trusted services that meet the requirements set out in eIDAS Article 8 regarding the assurance levels substantial or high.

This enables the end-customers to:

All of these will be accessed remotely and with no compromise on privacy or end-to-end security. The solution is also being positioned as a competitive offering, an alternative to the established processes of identity verification.

In this context, the start-up, co-founded by Lendrise and IT Smart Systems, is working ambitiously to deliver a new trusted Identity Provider (IDP) solution for the Romanian market. With a cloud solution based on open standards and best-in-class identity verification, the platform will compete in the ecosystem of established IDPs.

Participant in the GAIN (Global Assured Identity Network) Proof of Concept (an interoperability exercise between Identity Providers, Service Providers, and Relying Parties), is also looking at solving expat and cross border use-cases in the future, where the level of assurance required for transactions or identity assertions could be further standardised.